We have come a long way since we started KTM Series on October 2018. With each event, we have tried to improve on our shortcomings – however big or small – and made a humble attempt to give you a memorable trail experience. We hope it’s been as fun an experience for you and family/friends, as it has been for us to organize it (minus sending out obnoxious reminder emails). We’ve done our best and rest assured, will strive to continuously improve.
We thank you from the bottom of our palpitating hearts and hyperventilating lungs for being a part of our small, intimate event. You deserve a medal for your awesomeness.
#31 Lubhu
January 18, 2025
FB Albums
Start, Finish, Trails, Medals |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Without exception, strictly require signed up and paid guardians for kids 12 y/o or under. We require this for kids' safety and as legality. Make this more clear and prominent on the website. Make a feature to withhold results until kids+guardian's payments are cleared in full. Old bibs are invalidated for the next/new race, and the current startlist with payment status online would be the final list.
- Kids below 12 to be mandatorily accompanied by a signed up and paid guardian.
- Bulk emails got discontinued, in favor of information on the website. All participants showed up on time and at the right place.
- Integrated the admin and management team of Von Kathmandu for race operations
- Efficiency made top priority - in admin, execution, bib distribution and finances
- Earliest pack up time so far of 10:45am (during winter)
- Earliest time for result upload to the website, around 11:30am
- Standardized briefing structure. Briefing to be put on the website as well, along with the waiver
- Added trail coordinator and base coordinator for seamless communication and keeping track of participants and updates
- Changed distances to 10K, 6K and 3K
- Buffer between 10K start and 6K bib collection to be increased to 20mins, instead of 5mins
- Bibs to be put on chest, not on leg because numbers get hidden.
- Individual trail team to specialize in certain fixed tasks, instead of putting them on rotation for better results and performance
#30 Lubhu
June 29, 2024
FB Albums
Finish and Medals |
Trails and some finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- A few people were lost at two points. Both were main trail exiting into smaller one. Add marshals and mark confusing parts more densely
- Decentralized pre-race and admin tasks, particularly purchasing CP food and printing venue labels
- Delegated venue setup and pack up to trail team before and after the event, allowing the admin team to fully focus on race operations
- Start looking into automating payments and registrations. An uphill battle but needs to start sooner than later
- Color code sprinter vs sweeper jackets for easier identification. Get a red jacket for medic
- For future races check the calendar before announcing dates, and start doing more marketing without being lazy
- Now that the pre-race admin stuff is well streamlined, find someone to handle the medals, bibs, waivers, along with doing official stuff like getting ward permissions
- One participant didn't take his phone with him, was out of reach when we tried to contact after cut off time. Reiterate that carrying phones (with charge and credit) is mandatory
- Make download button more prominent on the (new) website
- Create shortlinks for directions, map download by distance, etc
- A couple of people followed old and faded out spray markings. We made changes to the route (which we normally do as required, which in this case was to avoid slippery monsoon trails). Mention during briefing that faded out markings are not to be followed; look out only for fresh spray
#29 Lamatar
April 20, 2024
FB Albums
Trails, Medals |
Finish, Medals |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Merged paid and pending bib collection to a single table and added a person to find waivers. Effective but messy. Think of a way to reduce the chaos on the table
- Add any remaining clause to the waiver, get it reworded by a lawyer (better than my 4th grade English), and start archiving signed waivers. This will eliminate having repeat participants to sign again
- Put a waiver and payment checkbox on the bib, for easy identification
- Changed print vendor for bibs. Experimented with two shops in one go, and chose the better one
- Had 27 late entries, which significantly affected the operations, including leading to a shortage of medals, bananas/biscuits and not to mention sleep deprivation. Cannot allow late registrations to affect other participant's experience and expectations
- Crackdown on late entries. More strictly enforce late fees without exceptions (which as an open secret has only been a scare tactic to have people sign up on time). Friday 3:00pm for regular deadline remains the same
- Increase podium medal stock from 30 each to 60 each (gold, silver, bronze and Mini-me), which can effectively tackle any surge in late and on-spot entries. Had to shamelessly rob usual 12K winners of their medals, to hand to 6K and 3K winners. It was the first time, and I'll make sure it will be the last time this happens. Make new medals and return them to the rightful winners
- Increase start time gaps between 12K (7:00am show up and 7:30am start) and 6K/3K by 15mins (7:45am show up and 8:15am / 8:20am start), as has come to be the case in the last few events. Shift cut-off to 10:10am, ie. right before the medal ceremony
- Consider having overall winners for 3K. Can always revert if it gets too competitive
- Consider adding a third iPad for results. One for each distance, split the screen for male and female results
- Try out GPS tracking to check where the team is, esp sweepers, medic and vehicle
- Start looking into integrating registration form on the website, and have a feature for people to check if they need to fill the form. Many past participants are doing the forms, which is totally redundant
- Most things went as planned (except for medals and the reasons behind it)
#28 Bosan
March 23, 2024
FB Albums
Trails, Medals |
Trails, Medals |
Start, Finish, Medals |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- No phone signal or internet at the venue. This meant communication with the trail team, except some communication on radio, was next to zero. There was no way to tell if everybody from the trail team was ready at their spot
- Pickup got stuck on mud and cost 20mins in the morning during marshal drop off (hence some marshals were missing on crucial spots for first runners). Instruct trail team to move on foot should there be any unforeseen delays
- Seems like a few people took the default Google Map directions (via Kirtipur, through tons of potholes and road under construction), instead of the one suggested on the website (via Taudaha, marginally longer but almost fully paved). Make the suggested direction more prominent than the Google Pin on website.
- Reiterate that Snail Trail is a recreational event, and that there is absolutely zero tolerance for any disgruntled and grumpy participants that swear, shriek and exhibit unnecessary, rowdy behavior in front of kids (or anyone for that matter). Esp in a Nepali society, cussing in front of families is super disrespectful and culturally verboten
- Photography is not an opt-out and as signed on the waiver, participants will have their pictures taken on multiple spots
- A total of six or seven people from the trail team will know the full route, the others will not. Instruct team members that have not done the entire trail to not try to guess or help out with directions. Photographers are to exclusively take photos and not show trail directions etc. Have team ask runners to check the map on their phones, that they downloaded and loaded onto their favorite trail app (mine's Google Earth)
- Emphasize on the website that runners are required to download the map on their phones, which they are to follow should they get lost
- Because of internet issues, it took several attempts to export data from online database to the timekeeping system. Figure out a workround should this situation arise again
- Raincheck for beginners and hikers. Payment deferred for next event if it rains, for those who cannot show up, and only if raincheck is announced in the morning (which will be the case only if there's heavy or constant rain)
- Fastest race wrap up till date. We were done by 10:30am, despite starting late
- Bib quality was low. Consider shifting deadline to 3pm or 4pm, so there's plenty of time for high quality prints.
- Keep food and water CP only at 3-4km mark for 12K and 6K distances
- Changed the trail on last minute because of rain. Identify sketchy bits of the trail beforehand and figure out a way to cut it off as needed
- Have a base coordinator to communicate directly with the trail coordinator
- Event date coincided with final exams. Most 3K kids were unable to join. 3K omitted
#27 Gundu
February 17, 2024
FB Albums
Trails and Medals |
Finish and Medals |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Start 12K at least 20 minutes earlier than 6K, which will allow medal ceremony to be sooner.
- Prepare the layout of the venue more thoroughly. Was quite messy because bag drop, food table and live results were right next to each other.
- Get a tarpaulin for bag drop.
- Podium wasn't centered with the banner. Massive OCD.
- Slowest wrap up till date. Left the venue at 2:30pm instead of the usual 12:30pm. Find out what caused the delay and fix it.
#26 Khokana
January 13, 2024
FB Albums
Trails, Medals |
Finish |
Podium |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Added 4 more trail marshals this time, totaling to 9. Most if not all major turning spots were covered.
- There was one incident of dog bite in Khokana. Design trails in future to skip areas known for stray dogs.
- Organize intensive first aid training for the trail team, esp with the preparation of longer races, and possibly high elevation treks/running that's in the pipeline.
- Bib collection format changed. Waivers are signed first, after which the corresponding bib is handed by admin. Significantly reduced admin table chaos.
- Prior to race day, rehearse logistics for dropping off trail team at their locations, and also picking them up after their work is done. Two marshals were stranded on the trails, with water and equipment.
- Battle of the decibels. Some people wanted the music loud, but some found it too much. Please feel free to turn the speaker volume up or down next time, and find a decibel that everybody likes.
- Used powder marking and shredded paper, to complement ribbons. We are cutting down on spray.
- We are scrapping honor system for on-spot payments. Will expand admin team.
- Need to add a venue person to manage food and water at finish.
- Outsource medal purchase, sorting and preparation.
#25 Lubhu
December 9, 2023
FB Albums
Trails, Medals |
Trails, Medals |
Trails, Medals |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Push the deadline to Friday 6pm, and strictly cut it off. (Print shop closes at 7pm.)
- Add an extra crew at the finish for bib spotting and to clear the path for finishers. Three bibs were missed because of too much obstruction and movement at finishline.
- Have parents stand with their winning kids on the podium at medal ceremony.
- Stick to 12K, 6K and 3K medal sequence. There were a few kids crying because they thought they wouldn't get a Mini Me medal.
- The leanest workflow of design, preparation and print of bibs, waiver and medals so far. Also kept bibs and waivers separate, significantly reducing sorting time.
- Add more crosses on wrong turns. We understand that trail ribbons were tampered with by local kids. Despite a trail recheck run very early in the morning, this is always a potential problem, which hopefully will be minimized with more intensive cross marks.
#24 Gamcha
November 11, 2023
FB Albums
Medals |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Smoothest operations and logistics till date, shadowed by smallest photo album size ever (none from the trails)
- No participants "DNF" from losing their way on the trails, first time ever
- Mandatory gear (cap, shoes and extra water) and guardian (signed up and paid) check now in effect for kids 12 y/o and below
- 6K not open for kids 5 y/o and below
- Extend the deadline to Friday 5:00pm
- No photographs from the trails. Assign at least one photographer and one admin person regardless of the turnout, for all future events
- Ramp up online and offline marketing
#23 Thali
October 14, 2023
FB Albums
Trails |
Start, Finish, Medals |
Finish, Medals |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Shift the deadline to Thursday 4pm.
- Add Search component to registration, for participants to check if they need to fill the online form.
- Medal ceremony will be at 10:30am and no medals to be handed out prior to the medal ceremony. This is because full priority and attention needs to go ensuring the end pack of 12K is safe, as they will still be on the trails at this point. So please plan your day accordingly. If you've won a medal but need to leave early, you can collect it on Sunday. Any extras go back to vendors on Monday morning.
- Snail Trail like any adventure event involves risks, and we do everything possible to minimize such risks. In case of any concerning incident (ex immobility), we swiftly act on tracking and evacuating the participant to provide first aid (injury management) at the venue by a trained medical professional. We follow up in the next days to get updates on how the everything is progressing. To make the entire process more efficient, we will now be adding a second vehicle, a trail medic and three more trail marshals.
- With more trail newcomers (just what Snail Trail is all about), I will make it more prominent on the website as to what to expect at the event. This includes information on altitude profile, composition of trails, how to warm up, potential physical risks, hydration, pre-requisites, recovery/cool down and so forth.
- Caps/hats to be made mandatory for all kids. Shades are highly recommended. Please make sure your kid is in proper outfit for the trails and humidity, and well hydrated.
#22 Lubhu
September 16, 2023
FB Albums
Start, Finish, Trails, Medals |
21K Trails and Medals |
Medals and Venue |
Medals |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Each trailmarking ribbon was 3in x 18in (as opposed to 2in x 10in last race) and placed every 30m or so. Wrong and confusing splits were marked with giant red crosses. Bright fluorescent spray used instead of normal spray. Number of people lost/DNF on trails down to only one.
- Prepare bib, waivers and medals by Thursday afternoon. Thanks to Michelle and the Houks for volunteering to finish preparing medals on race day, which made change in award ceremony time possible.
- 3K and 6K medal ceremony to be done separately at ~10:15am; 12K at ~11:15am; and 21K at ~12:15pm. Exact timings to be decided and contingent on starttimes.
- Write clearly in bold text and stern language on the website that Snail Trail Series is a fun outdoors event and that any form of yelling, smack talking, pushing, tugging or making demeaning remarks between participants on the trails is unmistakably, strictly forbidden and non-negotiable. Some parents said they experienced this misfortune on 3K distance.
- For seamless timekeeping during (multiple) medal ceremonies and mass finishes, set two computers for timekeeping + three people (two for entry and one "bib number shouter"). Thanks to Fernanda P Bochembuzo for being bib number shouter extraordinaire!
- Display results on screen, ideally on an interactive device (computer or preferably tablet). A few people left early, not knowing they won a medal. Despite having the software and hardware tech, we didn't get a chance to set up the display this time, to be honest. Just overlooked planning on this end. Hire a dedicated venue crew for this, plus for sticking labels and keeping the premises nice, clean and safe.
- ...which brings us to the next point: secure the banners. It fell on people a few times, that's a few times too many.
- We gave out 3K medals to over-18 categories for the first time. We normally don't, in order to prevent 3K from becoming an overly competitive distance (between parents, sprinters etc). Hope you enjoyed this rare moment! We're trying to think if we should continue this, but safety (and sanity) first.
- Set starttime gap of 20mins (instead of 15mins) for all distances. Mobilize two sprinters instead of one (for 21K and 6K; and for 12K and 3K).
- Add more trail crew at and near the finish, so people don't get confused on the last approach.
#21 Thali
April 15, 2023
FB Albums
Start, Finish, Trails, Medals |
Trails, Medals |
Start, Finish, Medals |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Too many first-timer kids by themselves on the trails, without a guardian. Some clearly struggling and dehydrated. Mandate at least one guardian (signed up) for every two kids.
- Trail team centralized. Previous trail lead removed and replaced for bad performance and attitude.
- Add a waterpoint for 3K.
- For the first time we had more 3K runners than 10K.
- Add more timekeepers for 3K - many runners finishing together, missed some numbers.
- 3K start time to start 30mins earlier than usual.
- Mention on the website that for 3K, only kids below 18 get medals and podium. 3K adults don't, in order to prevent the 3K from becoming a sprint distance.
- Brief runners about making the bib numbers visible at finish.
- Fastest upload of race photos and results till date.
- Far fewer people lost on trails than usual. Add more markings and marshals to further minimize this number.
- Use neon marking spray than the normal ones. Possibly change orange color to pink for better visibility.
- Give clear instructions to the driver. He missed picking up a henchman in the morning, costing 45mins of race set up time.
- Don't have a race right after a public holiday. Rushes pre-race print and admin work.
- Optimized the medals - used sticker prints instead of glossy. Amount of medal task decreased significantly.
- Purchase medals in bulk and print new stickers. Cuts down time consumed and hikes up the quality. Maybe print medal straps as well.
- Get a couple of tabs instead of laptop+monitor to display results. Pain in the butt to set it up, and can barely see in the sun.
- The laptop overheats, get something to cover it while timekeeping.
- Double-check startlist before sending bibs for print. The Gyawalis (our poster people) got handcrafted artisan bibs because I missed their name on the registration.
- Announce race date a few weeks in advance but open registrations no earlier than a week before the race. 22 people signed up but didn't show up.
- Overall, Thali race was one of the smoothest it has been for Snail Trail Series.
#20 Lubhu
November 12, 2022
FB Albums
Start, finish and trails |
Trails and finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- We heard you loud and clear, our original distances are back: 15K, 7K and Kids 3K.
- Website revamped to make race results and startlist more comprehensive and interactive.
- Results archive section added.
- Timekeeping system enhanced.
- Number of participants 180 - the highest we've had since the pandemic.
- Season Pass discontinued.
- A few of 7K runners lost at the start. Front sprinters and more marshals, esp at sharp turnings, to be added on the first major turnings, to avoid mass misstart problem. Arrows will be drawn on the ground on major junctions. Need of comprehensive briefing on following the trail markings and not the person or the pack in front of you. Easy to follow the pack and lose your away. If you don't see markings within 200m (1 to 5mins depending on your pace), turn around to where you last saw markings, whether you are by yourself or with a group. Creating a commotion because you didn't follow markings, and that you didn't want to go back to where you missed the trail, will not be entertained. If you're on the wrong route, there will naturally be no markings - the farther ahead you move, the farther away you will be from the trail.
- Results on screen couldn't be displayed because instead of setting up the screen and computers, we wasted our time dealing with mob-style elaborate shrieking and unnecessary ruckus from some participants. This resulted in many winners leaving early thinking they didn't get a medal.
- Policies will be put firmly into place to make sure that no individual or group trying to create trouble affects our operations and everybody else's experience. It is more important to have most people happy at the end of the day rather than appease a few with unacceptable behavior.
- Trail team to go through pep talk on professional customer service, empathy and courtesy, while the event will be rebranded (again) as a fun day out, so that expectations are managed for participants.
- GPS track of routes to be made available for download, along with instructions on how to use it, on Tuesday or Wednesday before the race.
- Trail markings will now be intensified but will be treated as secondary to the provided GPS tracks.
- Hiking guides (trailing at the back) will be introduced for 7K, given most are beginners and/or first-timers.
- Full briefing of the trail, trail markings, trail safety to be added on the website.
- Given the new, upcoming changes, refund policy will be revised. This will be mentioned on the waiver as well that refunds will be provided should the event get cancelled for any reason. Refunds will not be provided for losing your way, esp with the GPS tracks, front sprinters and more markers.
- Payments in cafes likely to be phased out, in favor of online payments. A majority of participants now paying via bank app and digital wallet.
- Issue with bank app to eSewa - remarks get erased, no way to tell who paid. Screenshots of payments to be sent via WhatsApp (preferred), email or Viber.
- Because of incomplete data on bank app payments coupled with last minute registrations, we have been accused of overcharging a participant. To completely terminate such malicious accusations in future, we will be stringently enforcing late entry fees and seal regular entries by Wednesday 7:30pm. This will also allow for less admin work on race morning and operations to go smoothly without undesirable incidents and delays, hence minimizing the number of irate people.
- Rights to admission reserved should incomplete payments be made before or after the deadline (ie. late fees not paid).
- Goodwill and grace time of 10mins added to the start time. Please show up on reporting time, not race start time. Full schedule will be on the website.
- We've had fewer people each month taking the shuttle bus - there were only four people for #20 Lubhu. We are considering discontinuing the bus service.
- Bib numbers go on the chest, and not on the back or on your leg. Please make it visible at finish. Timekeepers need to clearly see your bib to punch your number in.
- Color-coordinated empty/on-spot bibs will have pre-printed numbers starting from 5000 (for 15K), 7000 (7K) and 9000 (3K).
#19 Dollu
June 11, 2022
FB Albums
Trails and venue |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- This is our first attempt at an any-ish-weather event. We've had to cancel way too many races because of weather. Many people have told us they're ok with rain. But we'll definitely remain cautious about trail conditions.
- Resources, just like our operations and crew size, have been slimmed down to concentrate on core race matters. Most of the stuff in our storeroom have fallen out of favor and function, ex. giant banners, race gate, metal trunks, utensils and cutleries, gas, stove, QR scanners and so forth. So we got rid of our storeroom. The podium is stashed safely under my bed, next to smelly socks.
- This will be our last 10K and 3K race before we switch back to 15K, 7K and 3K.
- Prices will be revised from October onwards (you know what that means).
- Search functionality improved on the website.
- The event takes place in a resort, and they have their own menu. (No sandwich stall this time, sorry guys)
- We're rethinking the shuttle bus. It's getting less popular and adding undue bottleneck.
- Technical issue with website resolved, loads in one go. (Conflict with memory allocation in PHP versioning)
- Smallest race so far! 30 people but super enjoyable day
#18 Badikhel
April 9, 2022
FB Albums
Trails |
Start and Finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- 10mins grace period for bus departure time in effect
- Directions and schedule displayed more prominently on website
- Interactive and more intuitive timing system. Walk-in 3K registrations now seamless.
- Race operations and admin processes streamlined. 6 hours of bib and paper work now down to 1.5 hours. Smallest team size so far - 10 members in the organizing team
#17 Kalu Pandey
March 19, 2022
FB Albums
Trails |
Trails and finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Start time needs to be shifted an hour, maybe half, early to avoid the midday heat. The trails also need more jungles and shade. But we all know what jungles come with here… more climbs!
- Even the timekeeping computer froze in the heat. The irony. We'll get a canopy tent for the laptop.
- We had the venue at the top this time, hoping to make the trail less steep and what not, but that meant driving on narrow winding roads. To simplify matters, we’ll stick to what we used to do, ie start at the base.
- We'll update how the pre-race information is presented on the website. A few people went to the wrong school, several missed the deadline, and a couple of folks came for bus pickup far too late. Speaking of which…
- …there was a 25min delay for 10K start, caused by the bus waiting for late arrivals. We might allow a grace time of 10mins sharp. But 25mins? :S
- We’ve gotten a lot of requests for 15K, 7K and 3K, which used to be our original distances. We’ll need additional resources for this (admin/marshal/photographer teams, result displays, checkpoints, food, transportation, etc) and thanks to inflation, our breakeven has shifted from 90 to 130. Distances and entry fees will likely be revised in a couple of months.
- We'll start revamping marketing and promotions for the race, now that the team and workflow are all set. Please help us spread the word with your contacts and organizations.
#16 Budhanilkantha
December 18, 2021
FB Albums
Trails |
Trails |
Finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Real-time results displayed on screen as runners finish - the first time ever in the Series
- Stalls for sandwich (De Pizza Square), bakery (Lemon Tree) and chocolates (Perks and Pines) added
- Event details, policies and code of conduct will be drafted and prepared in English and Nepali
- eSewa payments (digital wallet) accepted for entry fees. eSewa ID: 9801151533
- Curilo (restaurant in Lazimpat, opp British Embassy) now added as a payment spot.
#15 Lubhu
November 20, 2021
FB Albums
Trails and Venue |
Trails and Venue |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Same prices for all nationalities - no discrimination
- Charity component terminated. Profit-driven growth strategy implemented
- 7K and 15K merged to 10K
- New timekeeping system rolled out
- New age categories (8 and below, 9 to 12, and 50+)
- Food team kicked out for horrible performance
- Change in media team (new photographers)
- Season Pass discontinued
- Website revamped. 9th redo in the works.
- Become a Management and Operations Lead Expert and participate for free!
- Race playlist heavily diversified. Expect quite a few 90's Bollywood!
#14 Badikhel
February 8, 2020
FB Albums
Trails and Award Ceremony |
Start, Finish and Award Ceremony |
Start and Trails |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- KTM Series repositioned as an open trail event, where anyone can join. The word "race" dropped from most marketing collateral. No change in competitive aspect of the Series.
- 7K opened for hikers. Two hiking guides deployed.
- Introduced Newari stall at venue (Kwaacha - the best Newari joint in town, likely country).
- Highest participant numbers till date, with 35% Nepali and 65% expats.
#13 Lubhu
January 11, 2020
FB Albums
Trails & Award Ceremony |
Finish, Trails & Award Ceremony |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Smoother admin workflow. Deadline shifted from Tuesday to Wednesday.
- Bibs revamped and on-spot registration processed faster.
- Timekeeping system improved. Race concludes at 11am for the first time.
#12 Hasantar
December 7, 2019
FB Albums
15K trails |
7K trails, some 15K |
Start and Finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Sponsored entries for all local athletes (upto 70 runners) phased out due to unforeseen ramifications.
- QR code scanning for timekeeping dissolved, as printing+pasting codes for walk-in registrations were causing serious admin bottleneck.
- For the first time results and photos get published on the same day, and for all events here on.
#11 Budhanilkantha
November 9, 2019
FB Albums
Start, trails and some finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Timekeeping system overhauled. Results are available real time in print.
- Award ceremony shifted 1 hour in advance. Race concludes before 12pm for the first time.
- 4K and 2K kids distances merged to a single 3K distance.
- Started overkill wake up calls to shuttle bus drivers.
- Safeguard Policy re-introduced to ensure stringent rules against harassment.
- 4th redo of the website for better UX/UI. Startlist by distance and gender added to race pack.
- Race badge (buttons) gets the axe.
- Pancake stall at race venue.
- Number of trail crew increased from 6 to 8.
#10 Nagarkot
October 5, 2019
FB Albums
Start and Finish |
Trails |
Finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Second and last distant venue for KTM Series as several complications caused by long travel times - inhumanly packed bus, nauseated kids, 4am wake up time for most, overall costs, etc.
- Shuttle bus shows up one hour late for pick up. The driver overslept and we didn't confirm his whereabouts in the morning. Ultimately our logistical oversight.
- Partnered with Chirayu Hospital as medic partner for KTM Series.
- 4K and 2K distances open for adults.
- Race starts an hour early to avoid midday heat and humidity.
#9 Panga
June 8, 2019
FB Albums
Trails and some podium |
Trails and some podium |
Start and Finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- 4K kids distance launched.
- 17 & below category divided into 12 to 17, and 11 & below.
- With the increase in the number of winners (added categories), medals switched from handcrafted to normal ones in the interest of not filing for Chapter 9 Bankruptcy and living in a cardboard box.
- Collaborated with French School in Kathmanu - 56 badass kids show up!
- Start times changed to promote trail safety: staggered start for 15K and 7K (10mins apart), owing to growing numbers. 4K and 2K start 90mins after 7K, to allow lead pack of longer distances to finish.
- Trail team relieved and replaced on disciplinary grounds.
- Biggest delay for start, 45mins from actual start time.
- A handful of cases of heat exhaustion (including one severe) resulting from late start.
- Trail chaperons available to run with kids if parents opt for a longer distance.
- Website revamped for the third time. Full race pack, photo albums, results and participant summary centralized for easy access.
#8 Lamatar
May 4, 2019
FB Albums
Trails, Some start and finish |
Trails |
Trails |
Start and Finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Late fees reduced from Rs. 2000 to Rs. 500, with more people registering on time.
- 15K forced upgrade dismissed. It's a free country.
- Point system discontinued because of corrupt data caused by distance switching and walk-ins.
- Season format changed to rolling format (ex. #11 instead of Season 2 Race 1, etc)
- Official name changed from "KTM Trail Race Series" to "KTM Series" for brevity and clarity. Also much easier to remember, say, hear and read.
#7 Taudaha
April 13, 2019
FB Albums
Trails |
Trails |
Start and Finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Ownership of KTM Series is fully transferred to Von Kathmandu Adventures. Partnership with Trail Running Nepal discontinued.
- 2nd iteration of race website launched.
- Deadline shifted from Monday to Tuesday with improved admin approach.
- Participant summary by country included in race recap.
- Elevation profile removed from bib - served little utility for a short distance race. All other fluff from bib removed.
- QR code scanning for timekeeping commences.
- Race starts on time for the first time. 5mins ahead of schedule, in fact, while some people were still in the loo. Lesson learnt: never start ahead of time.
- Number of trail crew increased from 3 to 6.
#6 Badikhel
March 2, 2019
FB Albums
Trails |
Trails and some finish |
Start and Finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Season Pass B (refundable) introduced to tackle late and on-spot entires.
- Flat and deterrent late fees of Rs. 2000 levied to avoid admin issues on race day.
- 3 additional crew added for bib distribution and admin table.
- First instance of zero timing error.
- Results and photos published the next day for first time. Results dynamically generated and published on the website (instead of static PDF).
- Mandatory bib policy enforced to ensure everybody's safety on the trails.
- Race pack available on the website, instead via only email.
- Photo sales discontinued - incredibly taxing and time-consuming for admin team.
- Lucky draw decommissioned - lack of participant interest.
#5 Lubhu
February 2, 2019
FB Albums
Trails and Finish |
Trails and Finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Biggest administrative nightmare on race morning as a result of almost 60 on-spot registrations. Burns a hole in the wallet.
- First formal complaint - regarding number of toilets in the venue.
- Team race and Refer-a-friend discount discontinued, not enough engagement.
- 7K open for kids under 11 y/o, with an accompanying guardian.
- Several non-bib runners join the race, a matter of serious liability issue for the Series.
#4 Sundarijal
January 12, 2019
FB Albums
Trails and Finish |
Trails and Finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Highest participation in the last 4 races.
- Stopped printing certificates - lack of interest and wastage of paper.
- Sandwich stall (AJ's Sandwich) available at venue.
- Team race and Refer-a-friend discount scheme introduced.
- High res race photos available for purchase.
- 15K "forced" upgrade for 7K runners with fast finishes. Dissolved in KS8.
#3 Suryabinayak
December 1, 2018
FB Albums
Trails and Finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Bibs get color-coded, synced with trail marking colors, for better recognition and intuition.
- Partnered with the UN to commemorate World Aids Day.
- Elevation profile of race course and checkpoints added on bibs.
- Bakery items by Smart Treats available at race venue (until Race 9).
#2 Sitapaila
November 3, 2018
FB Albums
Start, Trails and Finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- Visual (photo) direction published for easy navigation. Number of people losing their way decreases drastically.
- Distances changed to 14K, 6K and 2K for some obscure reason.
- Ribbons and trail markings get color-coded by distance. 14K is orange, 6K green and 2K yellow.
- Decision to hire fewer but technical staff - all paid. Crew size comes down to 22.
- Free bus service (Ring Road to/from venue) commences.
- Race starts only after receiving final go-ahead from all checkpoint teams.
- Sealed off finishline and added timekeeping assistants. Results more accurate. Leaderboard review to ensure no mix-ups in winning results.
- Hiking removed for 15K distance for safety reasons.
- Cut-off time set to 5hrs from start.
- Enforced sign up deadlines to get accurate participation numbers, thus minimizing wastage of food and water.
#1 Hattiban
October 6, 2018
FB Albums
Start, Trails and Finish |
Start, Trails and Finish |
Observations, Learnings & Updates
- KTM Series launches on October 2018 as "KTM Trail Race Series". Over 250 participants show up, a hundred more than anticipated. Several learnings.
- Dozens of participants lose their way to Hattiban because of unclear directions. Start time hence delayed.
- Heavily overstaffed - 40 crew and volunteers mobilized - most with poorly defined responsibilities.
- Underestimated water consumption (ran out of water at a checkpoint) and overestimated food at finish (an entire contianer of leftover bean soup fed to cattle).
- Conflicting race brief about trail marking colors to follow.
- Some runners reach first checkpoint before trail team is ready. Confusion at CP1.
- Search party dispatched to find 15K hikers. Everybody accounted for and race wrapped up at 5pm.
- Quite a few inaccuracies in results (wrong, missed or repeated timings).
- Promising feedback overall. Received several requests to have a venue closer by, and easier trails. Took both into consideration, thus shaping all future races for KTM Series - easy on the knees and open to all.